The IFMPT conference is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:


Riemannian surfaces 

Riemannian geometry

Combinatorial mathematics

Finite group

Geometry and global differential geometry

Elementary algebraic topology


Differential dynamical system

Mathematical model


Differential geometry

Partial differential equation

Laplace transform

Fourier analysis

Simulation and Monte-Carlo methods

Mathematical analysis

Function theory

Discrete mathematics

Numerical methods 

Computer technology

Mathematics experiment

Differential manifold

Lie group and representation

Linear algebra

Matrix theory

Vector analysis

Complex analysis

Differential equation


Physics and applied Physics


Particle Physics

Theoretical physics

Plasma physics

Quantum physics

High energy physics

Atomic physics

Nuclear physics

Systems Science and Engineering

Quantum information science

Mechanics and theoretical mechanics




Atomic physics


Quantum mechanics

Solid state physics

Structure and physical properties

Electrical and electronic technology

Photoelectric technology

Experimental methods of nuclear physics

Nuclear electronics

Nuclear technology and application

Engineering noise control

Sound technology

Circuit principle and analysis

Electronic circuits and experiments

Microcomputer principle 

Interface technology

Signal analysis and processing

Quantum electronic informatics

Optical quantum informatics

Semiconductor physics



Next generation (5G) mobile communications

Heterogeneous networks and small cells

Network technology for safety, amenity and disaster response

Network reliability and safety

Big data networking

Protocols, architectures and applications for Internet of Things

Network functions virtualization 

Software defined networking

Green communications and energy efficiency

Self - Assisting/self - deploying networks

Cognitive radio and networks

Wireless sensor and actuator networks

D2D and M2M communications

Ad - hoc communications

Cooperative communications

Multi - antenna and beamforming systems

Game theory for communications

Signal processing for communications

Wireless communication testbeds, measurements and modelling

Optical networks and converged optical-wireless networks

Smart grid communications

Powerline communications

Standards for communications and networking

RF and Microwave Communication

Antenna and Propagation